Profile of ST. Xavier’s
St. Xavier’s Technical Institute started operations in the premises of St. Xavier’s College in 1937 and was transferred to its own building in Mahim in June 1967.
The aim of the Institute is to develop men and women who are not just top quality engineers but also well developed persons. Our motto therefore is “the joy of excellence in a world of high technology”.
The Institute provides facilities for professional and specialised training in Electronics. The areas covered are Radio, Television, Video, Marine Electronics and Communications, Radar, Digital Electronics, Microprocessors, Computer Software and Hardware. In today’s world of sophisticated technology there is a demand in industry for persons capable of handling sophisticated electronic equipment, with a focus on the ability to actually operate, maintain and adapt such equipment to customised requirements. The courses are therefore designed to combine up-to-date theory with much of ‘hands on’ practicals in the labs and workshops.
Further, the highly competitive world of today needs well developed persons and hence developing “Thinking Skills” and “Personality Development” are required subjects in our full-time Diplomas.
From June 1994 St. Xavier’s has been granted Academic Autonomy by the Government of Maharashtra . This means that the Institute conducts its own Diploma examinations which are recognised by Government as equivalent to those of the Board of Technical Education, Maharashtra.
The Institute has been awarded ISO 9001:2000 Quality certification for its Marine Department.
This Institute is a Tele Learning Centre of the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for the Bachelor of Information Technology and Advanced Diploma in Information Technology. This centre has a direct satellite link to receive the live video broadcast of the lectures with an audio link to New Delhi for students’ questions on the spot.
St. Xavier’s Technical Institute has set up a Software Development Centre which has been awarded a number of prestigious projects. In 1999 the Directorate of Technical Education of Maharashtra State commissioned St. Xavier’s to set up an electronic network of 46 technical institutions all over the state. This included the Directorate itself, the Directorate of Industry-Institute Co-ordination, the Board of Technical Education and 43 other Institutions in the State. This project was funded by the World Bank.
A separate project has also been started for the computerisation of the Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education which controls technical examinations in the state. This project was also awarded to St. Xavier’s Technical Institute.
A second Project for the computerisation of Holy Family Hospital and Research Centre and the new Holy Family Heart Institute with very modern facilities like MRI and CAT SCAN has also been awarded to this Institute and is currently in progress.
The State Board of Technical Education has also awarded this Institute a Project of providing an On-line Examination for the Government employees confirmatory test. This project includes the development of the entire Question Bank for the examination.
Mahim Causeway, Mumbai – 400016